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2002 Swim Team

I am so very proud of the wonderful kids on our swim team.

The young kids like earning ribbons at the meets. It is a joy to watch the proud swim team youngsters. It brings a smile to my face to see their confidence grow, particularly those who arrived timid because they could not swim a lick. Parents become amazed when their kid is suddenly able to swim the length of the pool or showing-off the backstroke and butterfly.

The big kids like being in great shape after six weeks of healthy exercise. They swim well, have fun, and are good role models for the youngsters. After each practice, a big kid stayed to help Coach Carrie teach the young kids and there was no shortage of volunteers. The pool recruits lifeguards from this group of TERRIFIC TEENS.

It is a treat for parents and kids to participate together at the meets. While the kids are swimming their best, parents are busy too. Parents time races, write names and times on ribbons, sell concession, and other duties. Parents feel a part of the action and the kids appreciate the parent involvement.

Our team has a forty year heritage. A record board honors the names of past swimmers while providing current swimmers with a goal. Our community benefits from healthy camaraderie our team builds among neighborhood kids and families.

I am proud to be associated with Graeler Park Swim Team.

Warm-up before the meet